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Showing posts from December, 2018

Stockholder Scare

Corporate is concerned about Taskforce+'s recent failures at Midville, and how the previously unmentioned Board of Directors and Stockholders may react. Corporate reminds that this is still a business and should be maintained as such. Taskforce+ effectiveness is being evaluated. Those questioning the existence and influence of the BoD and Stockholders have been silenced out of fear of incurring the terrifying and unknowable wrath of them.

A Cephalopod Call

Divers in local waters have reported a deep urge to go further and deeper into the waters, sometimes guided by local sealife. Authorities care little however, and are more concerned as to why they were in restricted areas as the coasts are still deemed unsafe. The perpetrators have been arrested. 

Chernobyloid Conflict

Taskforces+ have intervened at last at Midville. Civilian casualties already reached undisclosable numbers by the time Taskforces+ arrived. Taskforces+ came under fire almost immediately, and are yet to make much progress against the insurgents. Locals are unimpressed. 

Mother Jones' Fund For The Unfortunate

Mother Jones has been providing for drones that have been left without homes this passing holiday season. Seeing this issue arise every year, Mother Jones has decided enough is enough and established a charity service of her own to help the cause. Find out more at .

Substance WG-12B Smuggled

Quantities of the weapon generation substance, now referred to as WG-12B, have been smuggled from lab 12B. Several caches have been discovered stashed in Shanty Town, these have been seized. A handful of large transport vehicles have been seen speeding from Shanty Town toward the border, this is likely unrelated. The Far-reacher has, notably, not been seen.

Meredith Christomer

Tis Chrisdmidz time, amongst Malvern And at the pole, beneath the ferns A large man, who's jolly and fat He gives us toys, and diddles cats A criminal man, he fiddled A Wizard Life cut short, caught in a blizzard So if you take a feline ride Be sure to do the deed inside For if you stay out in the cold Like St Nick, you won't get old.

A Wizard's Isolation

A Wizard has finally been found. Isolated deep in a fungus lair. Extraction is prohibitively dangerous due to toxic spores and feral chernobyloids. Chernobyloids had all been exterminated from Malvern and thus forgotten, although it is now realised that the Midville situation had never been resolved.

Chromozoid Dead

The Chromozoid has been found dead in their basement home today. Cause of death is presumed to be the gaping hole in the throat and heavy disembowelment. Written in blood and viscera was a prophecy regarding the return of Anubork and a statement that "from flesh for flesh, from take to return." It should be noted that The Chromozoid's skin had been removed before the arrival of Taskforces+. Nightmares of a black dog ripping the unfaithful asunder, should be ignored.


There has been a concerning presence of Tree People on the outskirts of the forest. Taskforces+ aren't entirely sure what a Tree Person is, but do have documentation that they exist. Mother Jones' funeral commenced today, unexpectedly closed coffin. Multiple Treeple were in attendance. Mother Jones had truly touched the lives of many. 


Further exploration of forgotten projects have revealed the Grass People. Minimal notes have been recovered and it appears that the research was in it's infancy. The Grass People appear to have limited a-gravitational properties. Considering that whatever project that was underway has been forgotten and likely wasn't important in any way, shape, or form, the Grass People have been released from the research facility. It is now considered a problem for administration to deal with.

Cup of Cipactli's Call

And beheld unto the unwilling and unknowing of the stiffgut twas the relic. Revealed unto them upon the hypaethral street. A cup to be quaxed and no less, called a cacotechny by the stiffgut. Called a whirlmagee, unfit to be buchette. Naught but shimsham to the ceramic apodeixis. So comrades! Amplex and baible! And the ramage of the faithful did punge the ears of the stiffgut, "Corbybantiate and go thenceout from this tenmanland. Rest in zizzes, for hence comes Cipactli to gnaw on the black heart of your corruption!" 

Meat Smuggling

Smugglers have been caught on the border trying to smuggle out various meats. Among the meats where several Meatbags in the infancy of their growth. Doint Project officials have seized the cargo. 

Triple Threat

Bruch still remains uncontained. Taskforces+ had confirmed his capture earlier today but, after continued mayhem, have come to the conclusion that there are several Bruchs loose in Malvern. Taskforces+ hope to contain them before they have an opportunity to escape over the border and create an international incident.  Burst Meatbags have been uncovered in Shanty Town.  

Weapon Generation

A recently forgotten research project has been discovered. The project was in it's final stages, and minimal scientific data was lost. The project investigated the origins of the Gundead, and more specifically their weapons. Predominantly identical revolvers that were common place in Malvern's past, and more rarely more modern weapons. Recovered modern weapons have nearly all had their serial numbers tracked back to manufacturers. All non-identical weapons have been confirmed to have been last aboard seafaring vessels or missing aircraft. All instances of disassembly, or breaking down into base parts, has resulted in the entire weapon seemingly melting into a thick black substance. It has been noted that this liquid is visually similar to that which has been found in trace amount in and around Meatbags. When in contact with a significant electric charge, the substance will change shape into another weapon similar to others used by Gundead. The substance will only take on th...

Mother Jones Found Dead

Mother Jones has been found dead. Her body was discovered deep in the woods after Taskforce+ response to reports of her disappearance. Cause of death appears to be a fall from a significant height. No foul play is suspected. A funeral service shall be held later this week.