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Showing posts from October, 2018


31. The Precautionary Armageddon Containment - Moon Nullification (PAC-MN) has been deployed. Launched from the Malvernese Mountains at an, until now, undisclosed research centre. "Problem solved." -Corporate

Celestial Concern

30. Citizens have been trickling back into the city. Amongst other concerns, people are still understandably worried about the red moon that remains in the night sky, and heralded in this terrible course of events. Corporate asks the public not to worry, it is being taken care of. 

Blessed Beach

29. Cult leaders have been the first to return, and have quickly taken it upon themselves to scatter symbols of their religion across the coastline, to ward off evil. Corporate's beach holiday home has been demolished.

Calcium Coast

28. As the tide rolls out, the full effect of the coastal airstrike is visible. The submerged landing zone had been fully stocked and prepared for a second wave either East or further North. Trusting a local forest donkey to carry the message, Moneybags has sent a message along the airwaves, Malvern is free and all may return home. Corporate has not mentioned the isolated Gundead survivors nor the catastrophic environmental impact the airstrike has had; nor it's cost.

Message Received


Message Decoded

26. A missile carrying plane has left East Malvern territory and is bound for the Malvern coast. The Moneybags HQ messages have been decoded. "See you in hell. -Moneybags."


25. Zikoids, Chromozoids, and Chernoblyoids all pose threats to the forest bound survivors. The vermin have been getting braver, daring closer to the camp. Until they can evolve into intelligence, they just provide extra food and boogy man stories.


24. City based Gundead have lost all contact with those that advanced into East Malvern. The Eastern horizon has been ablaze the last few days.


23. The survivor population has reached the thousands Taskforces simply cannot enforce their authority any longer. The survivors have outnumbered authorities and have armed themselves with firearms scavenged from overwhelmed Gundead. Taskforces definitely do not intend to escape with the trucks.

Forest Truck

22. They've driven here in droves. The influx of survivors has become too many, hundreds of those only now fleeing the city and those who've been separated in the escape. Current food stores and Taskforce authority can't hold them together, not against the Gundead, not against each other. The most recent survivors have come in trucks, some see this as a chance to further the survival of the group, some argue this is an out for the Taskforces, to take the supplies and drive away. Taskforces threaten those who dare approach the trucks. 


21. Driven mad by the whispering and desperate desire for warmth, survivors have taken to preying upon the Forest Shepard's flock. Giving first borns to Antebans in exchange for igniting their poached kindling. These are dark days.

Accosted in the Forest

20.  All hail,  6865726F ! Hail to thee, Taskforce of Corporate! All hail,  6865726F ! Hail to thee, Taskforce of the people! All hail,  6865726F , that shalt return homewards hereafter!

Eastern Conflict

19. The Gundead Horde have pushed into East Malvern land, but not unopposed. State military have been preparing for an invasion for a while, and are holding out against the horde. Several small Gundead patrols have gone missing. Corporte HQ has been sending out encoded messages on the radio waves.

Tensions Run High

18. After a prolonged period of hiding in the forest, some survivors have begun to turn on each other. Dissent is quickly put down by Taskforces, but their authority is beginning to wane.


17. Malvern belongs to the Gundead Horde, they walk the streets and live the luxuries once held by it's citizens. Survivors are executed or held captive in labour camps. The Corporate HQ remains under siege, and the Gundead begin final preperations before marching to conquest East Malvern.


16. Remaining cultists have turned to their conquerors as gods, offering up ammunition for their glorious crusade. The Gundead have not spared the ammo caddies, yet their faith holds strong.

The Gundead Advance

15. The Gundead Horde pushes march further inland, Malvern is theirs. Survivors are taken captive for unknown purpose, or killed outright. Flooded districts prove to be no obstacle as the horde traverses the floor unimpeded. Gundead mobilise to advance both north following the retreating population, and eastward, to East Malvern. The barricaded Moneybags HQ has fallen under siege.

Deeper into the Forest

14. In an effort to preserve life, Malvern evacuees have pushed deeper into the forest to avoid the Gundead Horde. This part of the forest is frozen this time of year, but they must push on.


13. Retreating Taskforces have begun to evacuate the city. A 'fall behind, left behind' strategy has been put into effect, and those not in the Taskforces' direct path from the coast to the forest, have been left for dead. Taskforces are concerned that they may be too late, as scouts have already encountered the Gundead threat.

Lights on the Coast

12. Bright lights have been sighted off the south coast, and have been slowly approaching land. Taskforces asked citizens to remain calm, and pulled all resources to coastal defence positions. The night has been filled with explosions and gunfire. The lights have begun to move inland.


11. The ongoing reconstruction of Doint the big, is underway. Work is hard and slow, but officials say the working mind of Doint may be to valuable to let rot away, and a full reconstruction may be the only viable option to preserve that. The so far reconstructed parts have begun violently twitching towards the "State Emergency" button, kept in an adjacent room. Officials are unfazed.

Divine Replacement

10. Cult leaders have proved so effective in riot control that they have been formal small arms training and have phased out Taskforce riot control. No longer overseen by Taskforces, the cults have enlisted the aid of various cult militia and have divided the city into sections patrolled by separate cults. Conflicts have arisen from this, but Taskforces don't see fit to intervene "until it becomes a worse issue."

Waters Rise

9. Both waters and tensions continue to rise in Malvern. Riots gained new momentum from desperation as rationing leaves citizens in wanting. Lethal force is being used against dissenters. Tevelvision and radio broadcasts, other than Malvern safety announcements, are prohibited as East Malvern broadcasts gloat and pridefully display their dry and civil city. Water has begun to get uncomfortably close to the Condominium. 

Divine Intergration

8. Cult leaders have been 'asked' to accompany Taskforces in riot situations, after success in these last few days. Cult related rioting has declined even further, and many cultists forming militia groups to enact vigilante justice against rioters. Cult leaders even expressed concern that this is no better, though Taskforces assure that "that's tomorrow's problem." 

The Meatbag has Split

7. The warehouse where the recently acquired "Meatbag" has been broken into by a concerned citizen. The Meatbag appears to have split apart, and several smaller objects now take it's place. The warehouse reportedly "stank of death, fish, and overwhelming dread." Taskforces have redirected more resources to security on site.

Divine Intervention

6. Cult leaders have intervened in the standoff between rioters and Taskforces, pleading that members of their respective cults see the light, and realise that this is not the way. Surprisingly, considering the violence the rioters have displayed so far, the priests have remained unharmed. Taskforces are willing to let them stay, as without the various cults against them, Taskforces are less overwhelmed than before and can redirect some much needed resources to vital areas.


5. What appears to be a large bag or sack made entirely of some sort of flesh, has washed up on shore. It was described, by those who found it, as "like a finger you'd left in the bath for a while, that was stretched out over a canvas bag filled with living stuff." Taskforces took the object into custody after it began to pulsate. Corporate's new prototype submarine has disappeared on a routine training mission. 


 4. Riots have broken out throughout the city. Centred around the flooded southern area, a mass looting and crime spree has taken place. Rioters are armed and violent, Taskforces ask civilians to stay indoors. Taskforces have redirected vast resources to this threat, and hope that the Condominium remains safe in their absence. Martial law is now in effect. 

Brain Vision

3. Examination of the recovered Doint brain shows evidence that in Doint's life Doint was able to see visions of the future. With uncertainty regarding current events, research is underway regarding whether this can be used to some advantage.

Severe Flooding

2. The seas have risen and flooded the southern part of the city, riots have broken out and Taskforces are struggling to keep the situation under control. The flooding has reached the southern caves and has carried the chemicals used to exterminate Susej further inland. Taskforces advise against going anywhere near the affected area and to seek high ground. Corporate's High Hill Hotel is open tonight at a premium.