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Dimensional Pockets

A creation of Mother Jones, a pocket dimension literally housed within a pocket, which would then be applied to an item of clothing. Originally the pockets where more of a large bag that Mother Jones would use as a way to capture and transport new savage servants. The Council of Wizards were impressed and requested such pockets to be sewn into robes, so that they could carry around magical doodads with much more ease.

When Father Gordon died it was discovered that he had owned such a pair. The discovery was made while stripping him down for the sake of dressing him in proper burial clothes. The mortician noticed some stitching on the side that denoted a Mother Jones item. It was assumed that the saint of a man used it to carry around religious things, bibles and the such. Such high respect of the man made the following discovery all the more earth shaking. When attempting to empty the pockets for the sake of inheritance, the contents were revealed to far more sinister: Father Gordon had kidnapped several children and kept them all in a pocket dimension that was linked to the pockets of his pants. Father Gordon was so saintly because, until that point, he hadn't been involved in any child related scandal. It became clear then why Father Gordon always had a smile on his face, and his hands in his pockets.

The 'Rape pants' were incinerated, and all witnesses swore an oath of secrecy. Father Gordon has gone done in history as a saint, and future generations will be inspired, not by who was, but by who they think he was.


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Meat Smuggling

Smugglers have been caught on the border trying to smuggle out various meats. Among the meats where several Meatbags in the infancy of their growth. Doint Project officials have seized the cargo.