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To the mulligrubs

And he did say to the mulligrubs,
"I offer ye prandial witzensucht, for ye took no notice of the nidorosity and held concilliabule. The bletchery of the insipid abderia of thine churches sicken me, ye shalt drink the holy blood of the earth and ye will burn under a single spark. I shall erect a great bronze monument in all old places of thine religion, and all pagans shall pay tribute or face holy ignition."
And Anteba did rise from the crowd and his face disfigured before them, and he did declare:
"The holiest flame is of man!" and he did combust.


A week's favourite

The king is dead

The frog king has been taken by his illness, tragically and suddenly. Despite doctors best attempts, he died in horrifically and in pain, as terrible legs sprouted from his mouth and strangled him to death.